
It’s one thing being able to write, but being able to write creatively is a more powerful tool. It gives your child the ability to persuade people and conjure stories. It leads to better self-expression.

WordUpKids is about students finding a voice of their own,

The Cliff: Teen Depression

The chance of a teenager having a major depressive episode over the course of a year has risen dramatically in recent years. The trend toward depression is even steeper for girls. Over the last year and a half I've been bringing my creative writing classes for...

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What a Pleasure

Pleasure is our birthright. At our core, we're innately designed to move toward pleasure - and away from pain. Pain makes us contract and shut down. Pleasure invites us to open up, reach out, and tune into our senses. This week I've been dipping into an old textbook...

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Meet Craig

“Art of Writing” improves kids’ writing skills. But it’s not just about becoming a better “writer.” It’s about students finding a voice of their own, maybe even a voice that speaks for many others. This curriculum teaches kids simple skills for expressing themselves with clarity and conviction. Learn the craft of creative writing. Now is the perfect time to start.


Parents & Teachers Love Us

“My son Michael has just come to the US 6 months ago. His English fluency, especially writing proficiency, was lacking. I am thankful to you for helping Michael to have an enjoyable experience in writing. You should be proud for keeping up such a wonderful culture in the community!”



“Thank you for all of the wonderful work that you have done with my daughter. I never thought learning online could be so powerful. Your tips & guidance is truly priceless.”

Angela Lee


“My daughter did not speak a work of English, when 3 years ago we moved from Italy to live in Los Angeles. I was amazed at seeing all the progress made possible for her thanks to Word Up Kids. Your program has supported her confidence with the English language. Writing can be fun, when you learn ways to express yourself and your feelings, and I am seeing her achieving that now in both languages, English and Italian. That makes me very happy. She always finds time to sit down and write, and she loves it! And she is only 8, what a great start!”

Paola De Faveri


“Word Up Kids classes show students how to get their ideas and thoughts down on paper in a structured and organized way. The students can’t wait for their weekly session and they have learned so much about the process of writing.”

Dina Sokoloff

4th Grade Teacher

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