Healing Power of Expressing Emotions

Translating thoughts into language is psychologically and spiritually healing. A 2013 study shows that writing about major upheavals helps children and adults organize and understand them. Writing about thoughts and feelings connected to pain forces us to bring...

Enter a Child’s World

WATCH VIDEO HERE Have you ever had a conversation where you felt like the person was truly hearing you? It’s called attunement. Attunement is the interaction between two people that shows a deep sense of connected ness and understanding. It is a subtle dance of...

Pre-Writing Exercise for Stress Relief

In my creative writing classes for children I always begin with warm-ups to release the anxiety. As you know, writing creates a lot of tension for children. Here is a simple exercise you can do at home that will take you literally 5 seconds....
What’s on Tap?

What’s on Tap?

A child’s creativity is an open tap. It just flows. As we adults can testify, too often that tap closes once we start getting “educated.” Instead of drawing out our potential, we learn to draw ourselves into a neat little box. Broadening our children’s knowledge...
Dealing with Kids’ Anger

Dealing with Kids’ Anger

Children need to know it’s OK to be mad at us. It’s vital they know it’s safe to express anger. Anger is a healthy emotion. Like saying “No,” it’s a child’s way of defining and protecting their boundaries. Kids’ tantrums...

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