Healing Power of Expressing Emotions

Translating thoughts into language is psychologically and spiritually healing. A 2013 study shows that writing about major upheavals helps children and adults organize and understand them. Writing about thoughts and feelings connected to pain forces us to bring...

Enter a Child’s World

WATCH VIDEO HERE Have you ever had a conversation where you felt like the person was truly hearing you? It’s called attunement. Attunement is the interaction between two people that shows a deep sense of connected ness and understanding. It is a subtle dance of...
Feel Free

Feel Free

Feelings are feelings They’re not positive or negative. Good or bad. They’re just energy that needs to move. To be expressed. Sometimes kids just need that safe place where they can have their feelings – without being judged, shamed, shushed, or...
The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

Kids came into class all hopped up on Star Wars today. So I saw them down for a little lesson about Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey. Then we explored the theme of light v. dark in our creative writing exercise. May the fourth be with...
How to Help Kids with Frustration

How to Help Kids with Frustration

Children want to be accepted just the way they are.   They feel loved when adults give them permission to feel their feelings…all the way. When difficult feelings are allowed to flow, they resolve themselves in positive ways. But when they’re denied, they act out...

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