The Cliff: Teen Depression

The chance of a teenager having a major depressive episode over the course of a year has risen dramatically in recent years. The trend toward depression is even steeper for girls. Over the last year and a half I’ve been bringing my creative writing classes for...

What a Pleasure

Pleasure is our birthright. At our core, we’re innately designed to move toward pleasure – and away from pain. Pain makes us contract and shut down. Pleasure invites us to open up, reach out, and tune into our senses. This week I’ve been dipping into...


Communication is not the first objective of writing. The first goal of writing is to understand. Writing is a tool to think with. We put words on paper to pursue and capture our thoughts. Personally, before I learned Jack Grapes’ Method Writing, I struggled with...

LOVE Generator

I think you’ll love this story. Last month I finished teaching an 8 week homeschool writing group for gifted kids ages 7-9. Every week the kids dictated a story to their parents, and the parents wrote it down, WORD FOR WORD. During class, the kids read their...

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