Stranded This poem was written in my creative writing class by a young girl with Asperger’s. She’s in the 6th grade, and wishes to remain anonymous.

She looks away when I talk, never says a word, and walks out of the room at random intervals without warning. I often wonder what’s going on inside her.

That’s why I love reading her writing every week. A window opens up, allowing the world to watch her wonderful mind at work. See for yourself.



I sigh as I slash through the waist-deep water on the boat 

I don’t mind getting wet
but the water is cold 

Why I thought it would be fun to go sailing in Alaska
don’t know
That’s the way people end to be
looking for worthless, troublesome things 

Many, like me, have found themselves stranded as a result 

I try for a signal on my radio
but there isn’t any 
The water stretches as far as
I can see 

My outfit is soaked 
I’m trembling in the cold
That’s when I notice something 

A long ray of green light 
It’s source must literally be sky-high 
I have the distinct feeling that 
something dreadful is probing me, searching for me 

I adjust the sail, but there’s no wind and the motor was ruined a while ago

Suddenly, the beam hits me and …

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